Monday, December 13, 2010

The truth about lunch time...

It's all smiles!  We've got Wilco going on the stereo, corn and peas and carrots and whole wheat noodles and cheese and bananas, we're singing and dancing and eating...

It is also buhsgusting...


  1. haha! I love the shot of the ground! How much time do you spend cleaning up? Like logistically do they stay in the seats while you clean the trays or do they go play with each other in a play yard? I have no idea how to do this! lol

  2. First of all you have an advantage. Dog. Baby first foods are pretty dog friendly. Yes, I put them in their play room while I clean. Target has a $35 high chair that has a pop off tray that makes it easy to wipe off. Then I sweep. I mop once or twice a week. It's basically nizasty up in there a lot. Babies are adorable and gross. We need a tarp.
