Monday, January 3, 2011

My chick bad, my chick hood

My sister, Hannah, and her husband Adam have been her all weekend.  It's been GRRRRRRRREAT!  She and Adam live in Louisville, KY so we only get to see them a few times a year.  Which is pretty much a bummer, but I have gotten to see her a lot more than usual this year.  I'm very grateful for that.  Hannah and I are 18 months apart and grew up being really close.  Even though we hated each other.  We moved around a lot so we were each other's best friend, even if we wouldn't admit it back then.  Now that we're older and wiser and less obnixious, we're incredibly close.  We talk nearly everyday and getting to see her is one of my absolute favorite things.  I only wish my other sister, Rachel, could've stayed in town a little longer to see her as well.  Oh grown up life...

Yesterday Davey and I ventured over to my dads house to spend Hannah's last day in town.  My brother had just gotten back from Chicago so we were going to all hang out in the kitchen and bake.  This was the day I'd been looking for the entire holiday.  Just a relaxed day of laughing and baking and listening to rap.  Ok, well I hadn't totally planned on the rap part, but my sister insisted on listening to this one Ludacris song.  And if you know my sister at all, you know that's hilarious.  Without trying to sound ignorant here, she is the whitest person on earth.

My brother made his new specialty, a pecan pie.  Hannah and I made her new specialty, apple pie with a streussel crust.  LETS GET FAT!  Seriously, the house smelled awesome, everything turned out awesome, but the time I got to spend with my siblings was the best part.  And my parents kept an eye on Davey (who mostly napped the whole time) so I could get a little mommy break.  It was nice to be off duty for awhile. 

Hush, Maggie.  Let's see this "best day ever"...

Hannah did the peeling and slicing of the apples (harder part...suckah!):

 And I did the streussel:

We got gangsta while the pie cooked:

And J ate the pecan pie he'd already made.  Much like AWK, he will always party hard:


Davey woke up from his nap just in time to get his eat on and take this awesome picture with Mom and Uncle Bear:

I saved the best for last.
A video of Hannah doing a little rap.
You are welcome.

(Hope you enjoyed my witch cackle that is my actual laugh. It's awful. Bye bye.)

1 comment:

  1. What a time we had! I can hardly hear myself, which is REALLY surprising.
