Monday, January 31, 2011

Things that I love part (I hope you're keeping count because I'm not):

1.  My snot nosed sicky baby.  He has the best attitude about being a total booger face.

2,  Homemade oatmeal golden raisin cookies for snack time!

3.  Finding a cute, flowy shirt I've had for years and wearing it for maybe the 3rd time.  Why have I neglected you so?

4.  Bath time is back!  Charlie loves her bath.

5.  Porch time!  It won't last long.  I'm sure winter's not done being a big fat jerk.  But today we're on the porch.  And it needs to be cleaned.  Boop.


  1. They look so happy. I swear David is the cutest boy with snot I've ever seen. He's such a trooper. He learned that from his sister.

  2. baby baths are so fun! I can't wait! We got a couple rubber duckies this weekend at a baby shower. so fun!

    your happy posts make me smile, too!

  3. Fav quote: "I'm sure winter's not done being a big fat jerk." FOR REAL.
