Friday, January 7, 2011

New Cast!

Wednesday we took little Miss Charlie BAAAAACK to Jackson to get her new cast.  We didn't know what to expect, but we figured it would be similar to the first.  Maybe a little thinner with more diaper space.  But basically the same.  They took her back, did some xrays, and I guess my little superstar is getting better so quickly that she doesn't need a huge cast anymore!  She's still in a cast, but it's only covering one leg and the band around her middle is considerably smaller and thinner.  We can get a diaper on MUCH better and she's probably much more comfortable.  I was so impressed how much she's been bending her bad knee!  The knee on her left leg has always been able to bend to at least 90 degrees.  But she's had trouble with that right knee and that's where her first surgery was.  Even after surgery they could only bend that knee to about 30 degrees.  It was shocking to see how much her leg was bent when she came out of this last cast!  She naturally hangs her leg in a bent position like any other person would.  This may not seem like a big deal, but in 13 months, we've never seen this on Charlie!  Usually with this type of surgery, recovery and cast time can be from 8-10 weeks, but after looking at her xrays and progress, the doctor said this cast will be off in THREE WEEKS!!! I'm so impressed with how much work she's done on her own.  I can't say enough about my little trooper. 

The new and improved cast situation:

 Here's an example of what her right (left as viewing) leg looked like before surgeries.  It was basically bent out the other way (hyperextension is what this is called).

And here's what it looks like now!  (sorry its try telling a one year old to stay still so I can get a close up of her leg that was just freed.)

And, not to be out done, Davey dude is really starting to own the sippy cup.  I thought this would be much harder.  They've taught me otherwise.

He also had his very first oatmeal cookie today.  I've been so terrified of sweets and junk!  I was like that when I was pregnant too.  Seriously, terrified.  I thought if I ate too many pop tarts, one of these kids if not both, would have a third arm growing out of their forehead.  Ok, I didn't really think that.  But, ya know, I kinda did.  I'm still having a hard time with giving them store bought treats, so for now it's homemade and it will remain that way.  At least I know what's in these cookies.  These guys are only 13 months anyway.  But Davey has grown 8 teeth (4 in December alone) so he has more than earned a cookie.  Charlie is still going strong with just the bottom two, but the top two just started coming in (which means our house is LOUD), so maybe she'll enjoy a cookie this time next month.

There's several pictures of Davey eating his cookie, but this is hilarious.  To me.  He actually enjoyed it despite how it appears.  He ate the whole thing in, like, a minute.


  1. Your babies are more than adorable. Hopefully, when I have some babies, your cute babies will think mine are at least mildly cool enough to hang out with. Or maybe they'll give mine lessons on how to be cute and cool.

  2. uh, your kids will need ZERO lessons on being cute and cool. they'll just follow your lead. and our kids will be TOTAL bff. get that show on the road, lady!

  3. Such a superstar! I mean go girl go!

  4. yay charlie! i'm am unbelievably impressed with her bending ability. she is so very awesome! and i'm glad you think the picture of davey is hilarious b/c i laughed quite loudly when i saw it. and then i thought, ooh, maybe i shouldn't laugh at this handsome little dude, but i now know it's ok! he's just got the best face!
